
Header shot of a platter of Creole spiced toffee matzo topped with chopped peanuts

Creole Spiced Chocolate Toffee Matzo

Passover is just about here! If you celebrate, you’re probably wondering how you should spice up your abundance of matzo. Well, this recipe for Creole spiced chocolate toffee matzo should do the trick. Surely by now you’ve heard of chocolate toffee matzo. If you haven’t, it’s three simple layers: matzo, toffee, and chocolate. Well, this

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Header shot of a plate of pickled beet and potato latkes with salty dill sour cream.

Pickled Beet and Potato Latkes with Salty Dill Sour Cream

Every year, my husband Ben creates a new potato latke recipe for me to share for Hanukkah. We brainstorm the recipes together and then he brings them to fruition. His grandparents loved making latkes from scratch together, whereas my grandma’s were always made with box mix. While I actually do love a Manischewitz box latke,

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